When I was 7 months pregnant with their first grandchild my parents bought a "project" a mile from our house but 700 miles from theirs. This blog chronicles the beginnings of their renovation and of the beginnings of our adventure into parenthood.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Peek A Boo
During our 11 month photo shoot, Harlow grabbed this blanket and started playing peek a boo with herself. I didn't have time to get my camera settings right or anything, just HAD to catch the moment. Harlow has found yet another use for the best blankets ever (Aden + Anais)!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
TEN months!
Tomorrow Harlow will be ten months old. I didn't do a great job with the pictures this time with all the craziness around the holidays. It is also getting very difficult to keep her in the chair! I had to do them a little early because we left for Michigan on the 19th. So, Harlow is spending her first Christmas is Michigan!
This month has been a big one. Harlow FINALLY sprouted her top two teeth. She is now pulling up on EVERYTHING. She has seemed to just become so smart and understand what we are saying this month. The Christmas tree is her favorite thing. She is always pointing to it and looks at the lights in awe.
We are hoping for a white Christmas here in Michigan so Harlow can experience her first snow! Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Bath Baby
Harlow's bath obsessions:
1. Baby washcloths, she has to have every one that is in the tub in her hand.
2. The hair washing cup, she tries to drink out of it even if it's REALLY full.
3. The drain and faucet, I guess shiny silver is intriguing.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The 9 month stats are in: 21 lbs 9 oz (89%) and 28 in long (59%) (Although Mark was not sure the length was accurate because she was so wiggly/mad about being measured). She has a little attitude!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Three quarters of a year, wow! I remember when I was doing my pediatric clinical rotation, the "9 month well checks" were my favorite because the babies were so much FUN at that age (plus they don't have to get shots at that visit). Well having my own 9 month old is even better. I love this age. New things this month are of course crawling (all over the place). She still only has two teeth. Mark said she is like an upside down rabbit because the two teeth on the bottom just keep getting bigger! I am excited to spend our first holiday season with her. My family will be here this weekend for thanksgiving so I had to get her a festive outfit. I hope also that the "aunts" approve because there is a tutu involved! She was hard to keep in the chair this month, so note the tag in her hand, it's the only way I could keep her happy. That girl loves tags...maybe she'll be a shopper!?
There was a little circle mirror I hung above her changing table and it fell down a while ago and she found it under her dresser:
Happy Turkey Day everyone, I know I am looking forward to a long weekend, food, and family!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
more fall
I borrowed this costume from a friend and I couldn't resist dressing Harlow up and taking some photos. We went to Old Salem trick or treating which is a cool Halloween event in Winston Salem. Since Harlow doesn't eat candy, we forwent the lines and just walked around and people watched. We are also going to a Halloween party this weekend and Harlow has ANOTHER (because it's a theme with Mark and I's costume) Never thought I'd be THAT mom, ha. At least I am not THAT mom that I saw at Old Salem. The one that dressed up in a slutty, er I mean sexy costume to take their children trick or treating!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
All pics from my iPhone. I didn't want to lug my big camera all the way to Michigan especially with all my other carry-ons I needed traveling alone with a baby!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
EIGHT months (two days ago)
Harlow turned eight months on the 21st. We were in Michigan (more on that in a later post) so I actually took these pics before we left. Warning to the aunts...she has a bit of a "boy" look here, but it is her festive Halloween look! No real changes from seven months, she is still almost crawling but hasn't quite got it yet! Well let's get to the pics. Since I moved the chair, I don't even have to edit the pictures much since I get teh light from the window (duh, wish I figured that out six months ago!)
Saturday, September 22, 2012
SEVEN months!
Harlow turned seven months yesterday. She is still sitting up, but not crawling yet, although she can sort of scoot backwards. She has two little (adorable) bottom teeth. She can now hold her own bottle and is starting to figure out how to pick up bits of food and put them in her mouth. It seems like between now and her 1st birthday is going to go QUICK! Here are her seven month pics. I had to move her chair because there were sun rays coming in the window. It turned out to be the best lighting yet for her monthly photo shoot. Happy accident!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
under the weather
Harlow started daycare this week. She did great and they commented that she was "laid back" when I picked her up the first day. OF COURSE though Harlow got sick and subsequently all the Hekman's have the sniffles, sneezes and sore throat. This blog is so I can come back to it and remember all these wonderful firsts, like Harlow's first cold. Mark was funny, he called to make sure we could still bring her to daycare with her runny nose. He didn't want to break the rules the first week. They said 'oh that's part of daycare'. Great, we are all going to be sniffling for the next 6 months!
Here is a little "sick" photo shoot when Harlow and I were just hanging on the bed.
Snotty nosed:
Still full of smiles
Monday, September 3, 2012
new dining room
There was some definite progress made on Harlow's grandparents house last week. My dad was working the whole week while my mom watched Harlow. Side note: she starts daycare tomorrow (sniff*). The previous porch is the new dining area. It got some paint, a new fixture, and it's no longer a "staging" area for all the tools and such.
BEFORE looking into the dining area:
PROGRESS looking into the dining area:
BEFORE dining area:
Progress dining area:
And the kitchen is ALMOST done. My dad installed cork floors last week and now ALL it needs is back splash. Here is a little preview:
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