Monday, October 29, 2012

more fall

I borrowed this costume from a friend and I couldn't resist dressing Harlow up and taking some photos. We went to Old Salem trick or treating which is a cool Halloween event in Winston Salem. Since Harlow doesn't eat candy, we forwent the lines and just walked around and people watched. We are also going to a Halloween party this weekend and Harlow has ANOTHER (because it's a theme with Mark and I's costume) Never thought I'd be THAT mom, ha. At least I am not THAT mom that I saw at Old Salem. The one that dressed up in a slutty, er I mean sexy costume to take their children trick or treating!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


All pics from my iPhone. I didn't want to lug my big camera all the way to Michigan especially with all my other carry-ons I needed traveling alone with a baby!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

EIGHT months (two days ago)

Harlow turned eight months on the 21st. We were in Michigan (more on that in a later post) so I actually took these pics before we left. Warning to the aunts...she has a bit of a "boy" look here, but it is her festive Halloween look! No real changes from seven months, she is still almost crawling but hasn't quite got it yet! Well let's get to the pics. Since I moved the chair, I don't even have to edit the pictures much since I get teh light from the window (duh, wish I figured that out six months ago!)