Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Harlow's birthday party and two year stats

Harlow's two year stats are as follows: Weighs 27 lbs 12 oz (65%) and 34.5 inches tall (77%). She didn't grow as much as the doctor expected (with her tall parents) but said she could have a spurt later.

For Harlow's birthday we just had a family party (plus her bff who lives across the street). Even though it was small, I had fun decorating with all things Curious George! We had banana splits to celebrate the monkey theme. It turned out to be a fabulously warm springinfebruary day and we got to hang outside. It was perfect with the ice cream!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Four month stats

At four months Violet is 15 lb 13 oz (79%) and 25.25 inches (78%). Growing girl!

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Friday, February 21, 2014

TWO years

I can't believe Harlow is two. She makes us laugh every day. Her language has really blossomed in the last few weeks, although a lot of her words, we understand, others might not! She is into her routines. One is when I wrap her up with a towel after a bath like a burrito. She HAS to read Pat the Bunny as the last book of the night before bed (and she makes me do all the things in the book too). Her dancing consists of spinning around in a circle (her dad taught her that). If Mark and I hug, she has to get in the middle and says "gen"(again) over and over. Her memory is amazing, like how she remembered where the Smarties were in the cupboard. She wants to do everything herself and says "do it" to let us know. When she says "I lu you" it is the sweetest sound. She is our funny, strong willed, energetic, silly, little girl. Happy Birthday Harlow!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Harlow loves art these days!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Violet FOUR months

 I  interrupt Harlow's Birthday Week to bring you: Violet, 4 months! This month she can already roll over (both ways!). She's very aware of her surroundings and watches her sister ALL the time. We are dealing with our first (four) ear infections this month, so she has been under the weather lately, but still lights up and smiles whenever anyone talks to her. She loves to be held and cuddled at night. We are having so much fun watching her grow!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Two (in three days)

 Above was the only pic I could get before this happened:

Monday, February 17, 2014

Birthday Week Part 2

This was a few weeks ago (as I look at snow outside my window currently).

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Birthday Week

Tomorrow is the official start of Harlow's Birthday Week. She has lots of people coming to visit to celebrate her 2nd birthday, we are looking foward to it! She is growing up too fast and looking more and more like a teenager every day (see pic below). I am going to try to put several Harlow themed blog posts up this week!
watching 'George'