Thursday, November 28, 2013


First thanksgiving as a family of 4, and so happy to have both my brothers, sister in law, and parents in town for it.
It is like a light has switched on in Violet this week, she has decided she DOESN'T need to eat every two hours (more like 3 or 4) and actually slept for FiVE un interrupted hours last night. I am thankful for that!

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

one month

I can't believe Violet is already one month old. Time goes by faster with the second one!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Leaves and Elmo

Things Harlow is into right now: The big pile of leaves outside and Elmo. She says "melmo" and it's pretty adorable. It's not adorable when she constantly points to the TV though and saying (whining) "melmo melmo melmo". She gets mad too when other segments without Elmo are on first...that puppet should have his OWN show!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Violet 5 days new

Here are some photos I took of Violet when she was 5 days old. She has already grown out of her newborn clothes and is filling out. It goes by too fast!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Here are the pics from Harlow meeting Violet for the first time at the hospital. She was so cute, she just kinda stared, touched her gently and didn't want to get down from the chair. It hasn't been all sweet since then though, she is still adjusting a bit to her little sister, but seems to be doing better in the jealousy and "being gentle" department. I hope they will grow up to be great friends!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Two weeks

Miss Violet is 2 weeks old and she's gained a pound and an inch! Stats from today's appt: 9 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches. Here is how she likes to sleep (being held!).

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween part two

Harlow dressed as Bat Girl for Halloween this year. We found out that Halloween with little ones is so much fun and that Harlow loves candy (duh)! She tried smarties (HUGE hit) and M&M's. She also completely "got" the concept of trick or treating which I wasn't sure she would. We just visited a couple neighbors houses, including little "Elvis" below.
Old Salem Trick or Treat with Grandpa (Papa) and Unle Luke

Harlow wouldn't wear the mask, but Papa would!

Bat Girl!


Beautiful fall night
Harlow and her buddy

The four of us had a blast Trick or Treating. Mark came right from work, so he is dressed as a Bassoon Professor :-)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween part one

For Halloween Violet dressed as a glow worm. You know that green light up toy us 80's children all had?

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