Saturday, July 19, 2014

Violet NINE months!

Today our sweet baby is nine months. She is growing up so fast, I am sure I am biased, but I think she is advanced. She was clapping with us at the dinner table tonight! Just in the past month, she has gone from scooting, to crawling, to standing and cruising the furniture. She LOVES to eat food and wants whatever we are eating. She has mastered feeding herself. We give her things I would have been terrified to give Harlow such as sweet potato fries, a whole apple, a pickle. Still just two little teeth, although I think she will have some more soon. Her favorite game is crawling after things (it's sorta like fetch with a dog, daddy and Harlow taught her that) and the peek a boo blanket over the head game. She is independent (especially with her bottles) but still likes to be held on the hip when she's fussy. Can't wait to see what the next three months until she is one will bring.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blue Bed

Harlow has been out of her crib since January, but has been sleeping on a mattress on the floor since. We FINALLY got her a bed after a craigstlist run a couple months ago, some spray paint, and convincing her daddy she will sleep just as well in a bed. It's an understatement to say that she loves it. Every day I get home from work she says "show mommy blue bed". Yes Harlow...I've seen it, I'm thinking, but of course I ooh and ahh over it once again. She is still a great napper and sleeper. We would prefer she stay in her bed past 6:30 am, but I think it's a trade off for 7:30 ish bedtime and a two hour nap each day. Girl likes to go "night night"! She even set up a pillow and blanket outside on the deck the other day.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

On the Move

In just a couple of weeks, Violet went from army crawling, to full on crawling with her knees up, to now pulling up in everything! I'm predicting she will walk in her 10th or 11th month!

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