Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas cuties

Someday they will not let me put them in matching christmas pajamas. I draw the line at parents in matching PJs too though 😀

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Lydia 6 months

Lydia is such a happy baby. She loves watching her sisters and laughs at them all the time. She can't quite sit up on her own yet, but rolls all over. She only sometimes naps for more than 45 minutes at a time and doesn't sleep through the night yet :0 but that's ok, with the third, you just don't really stress about those things! She has NO teeth yet. Happy half birthday Lydia June!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Lydia 6 month stats

Lydia is our lanky baby! She is 15 lbs 7 oz (37%) and 26.75 inches long (84%)

Violet 3 years old

What can I say about our Violet at 3? She still loves to laugh and make others laugh. She will call something the wrong name on purpose as a "joke". She comes in our room to "snuggle for a little bit" ever since we made her crib into a toddler bed and I can't say no. She's a lover and likes kisses RIGHT on the lips. She'll throw a fit about something but get over it very quickly. She puts "B" in front of many words, like "B sghetti" and she has this little stuffed animal named Olivia, she calls "B livia". I never want to forget her cute little voice singing songs! She says things like "Mom, I have a great idea" and "I jus teasing!!!" She is our sticky hair, sharpie-self -tattoo princess and life just wouldn't be as fun without her.