Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lydia one and two months

Here are some one and two month photos. At two months, she is the same length as the other two girls, 23.3 inches (84%) but weighs the least! 11 lbs 10 oz (58%). She is smiling all the time and starting to coo. She is getting better at napping during the day, and even has napped in her crib! She has been my best night time sleeper and typically only wakes up at 3 or 4 and then 6:30 or so. At 6:30, she likes to snuggle and I think that is what I will miss most when I go back to work!

one month

one month

two months
two months

two months

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


We grew out of our house with the third baby on the way and needed to start thinking about where the girls would go to elementary school so we decided to move to a different neighborhood not too far away. We sold our house quickly and ended up moving into the new house and having the baby all in the same month! Luckily for me, since I was so pregnant, I didn't do much of the heavy lifting. Mark likes to tell everyone that he personally touched every item in our house (7 years of accumulated crap). We are still burying ourselves out of boxes and are going to have a yard sale now at the new house, which I think is doing things in the wrong order. But phew...I never want to move again! 

Last night in the old house 

I am going to miss these built in "lockers" we had put in and only got to enjoy for a year or so 

But mostly will miss our sweet neighbors!