Monday, August 26, 2013

18 month stats

25 lbs 7 oz (82%) and 32.5 inches tall (70%). I always thought I would have a giant child, but she's just a little above average. I guess there is still time!

Here is her "teenager" look: Glimpse into the future...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

18 months!

Harlow is 18 months today, I can't believe it. Where do I even begin with how much she has grown since she was 12 months, or even 15 months when this first picture was taken by the fabulous Sally Gupton of Sally Gupton Photography: First of all, her hair has grown. She is starting to really look like a little girl!

15 months
18 months

She is running, not walking and is really steady on her feet now. Her dad rarely puts shoes on her (and NEVER socks) so she has some tough little feet.
She is saying some words, although mommy and daddy are not too common :-(. Her favorites would be "hot" "up" "woof woof" (for any dog she sees or hears), and "bye" which she says exactly like a southerner (which I guess technically she is). It comes out like ,you know, the sound a sheep makes..."BAH"!
She is mimicking a lot of what we do which is cute. She loves to blow on our hot food or coffee, she loves to "clean up" if there is a spill, and she is crazy about waving bye bye a) if anyone is going anywhere b) if she is going somewhere, like waving as she walks off with her doll stroller and her purse on her shoulder or c) she wants to go somewhere like outside or in the car.  She picks up on and understands SO much, it's really amazing.
She has a checkup in a few days so I will come back with her stats, but for now on with pictures from the attempted 18 month photo shoot!
We were on vacation, it was the end of the day and Harlow was tired, so we ended the shoot with an epic meltdown. I am lucky I managed to get these ones!

blowing kisses

and the reason for the meltdown,