Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I think most of the words Harlow says only Mark and I can decode what they mean. She is mimicking everything we say (and do). I wanted to write this post so I can remember some of the cute things she is saying right now.
Our bedtime routine consists of giving everyone kisses (including Burger) and she gives a big MUuuuah with it. Then after we go up, brush teeth, and read a book, we say goodnight to everyone in the family.  I have been teaching Harlow what to say when someone asks her her name. She says "Har-row Ackmen" Then she goes on to name the family...daddy Ackman, mommy Ackman, Burber Ackman, Biolet Ackman. Recently she started adding "George Ackman!" (as in curious george). Then she laughs and laughs. I think she is trying to make a joke or she really thinks George is part of the family!
Other Harlow-isms
--baberry milk (strawberry milk)
--bapple (apple)
--tookas (Lucas)
--papa and peepa
--peeeeaaaaas (please)
--Har-row's seat (when she wants to ride in the bike seat)

and the sweetest sound in the whole world:
--I ya yu (I love you)

Here is this funny thing she does when she says she is "scared"
Who said anything about terrible twos?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Five months! (tomorrow)

Tomorrow Violet is five months. It is flying by! She is still rolling all over. Sleep is doing better (when she is not sick). She is very grabby and puts everything to her mouth (including her sweet little toes). I can already tell she is going to learn so much from her sister, she watches her constantly! Harlow was around while I was taking these pics today, that's why she's looking to the side. Harlow has fun making her smile and is definetly adjusting to having her around. In fact, if we ever get in the van and Violet is not there, Harlow is upset. I hope they grow up to be great friends.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sleep deprivation

Good thing this one is cute because she does not sleep! Currently her so called naps are 20 to 45 minutes. She also wakes up still in the night and wakes up early wanting to be held. I actually think the time change is going to be good for her (which is weird, because ever since being a mother I have loathed daylight savings!). Can't blame her for liking snuggles. I secretly love the middle of the night snuggles too although the sleep deprivation can wear you down. A little sunshine makes everything better!