Monday, October 27, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Visit to our favorite (well now since we discovered it last year) pumpkin patch in W-S.  No shortage of photo ops at Hawks!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

One year stats

Violet is 21 1/2 lbs (76%) and 30.5 inches (91%). Our tall girl!

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Violet 12 months!

This morning we celebrated her birthday with pancakes and then just had a relaxing family day. Violet seems to have grown up so much this month! She has 6 teeth. Walking is her main mode of transportation and her balance is really good. She has stated trying to communicate, mostly in the form of grunting and pointing, but I swear she might have said mama yesterday. She likes to carry her baby around. She always wants to go outside. Today she walked up to Harlow and gave her a hug. She says "muah" and gives kisses. Her hair is growing and my baby just doesn't seem like a baby anymore! *tear. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Violet's birthday week!

Violet's birthday is on Sunday. We had her party a weekend early, because, well, that just worked out better. I somehow got no photos of any of the party guests, but it was a great time with my parents, Uncle Lucas, and some of our dear friends. It was Violet ombre theme. I figure she might get tired of purple EVERYthing as she gets older, but I could get away with it for her first birthday :-).