Saturday, February 28, 2015

More of Harlow's birthday

The weekend before Harlow's birthday, family was in town, so we celebrated Harlow's birthday by going to the mall where Harlow got to ride the carousal and then go to Build A Bear. She loved it and of course picked out the girliest (and priciest!) bear there. Later in the day we had a little "party" (just family, but there was cake and decorations :-).

Monday, February 23, 2015

Three year stats

Harlow is 33 (almost 34) lbs (79%) and 38 Inches tall (74%). Today she was the 'birthday girl' and handed out treats to her class. So now her two week long birthday celebration is officially over! This photo is a 'rock star' outfit she got for her birthday along with microphone and stand. I just love the sequin cuff with this!

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Harlow!

I am glad I take the time to do a yearly photoshoot. It is hard to get a warm enough day in February so I took my first opportunity! I did this "fairy" photo shoot a few weeks ago before she got her haircut. She was a little cold and not all that cooperative, but I realized photographing one child at a time is so much easier than two!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Harlow is 3! (tomorrow)

Harlow is turning three tomorrow. We were planning on bringing treats to preschool today in celebration but school has been canceled all week for ?cold?. I can't say snow, because it only snowed about an inch, so I presume school is now closed because of cold. Instead, today the family went to the new aquarium at the greensboro science center.

Harlow, I can't believe I've been your mommy for 3 years now. You are saying the funniest things. You call Violet a "silly girl" all the time when she is doing something you don't like (it is something you have heard me say often). Recently you have been into games including "I spy" and "Hide and geek". You don't stay in your hiding spot though, just run out and laugh. You are a GIRL. You like to do hair and dress up. If your pants are not pink, you call them "boy pants" and it takes some convincing to get you to put them on. You love pre school and doing puzzles. Lately you have been watching "Lilo and Stitch" or other movies, but you still LOVE curious george. At night we talk about "what made Harlow happy today" and often it is "going to school", "watching tv", "seeing pippa and papa", or somewhere fun you have gone with daddy that day. Then we talk about what made you sad, we often have to re live when Violet took a toy from you and you cried ;-). I have heard from some that 3 is harder than 2, but I think it is just getting better and better!

Some Harlow-isms:
-"that makes me so so happy"
-"look mom, I'm putting boy pants on and I'm not even worried about it"
-"silly goose"
-"happy birthday to Har yo, Happy birthday to Har yo, Ament"
-"this is yummy!"
-"papa says you can't do that!"
-"I did that last year" when referring to something she hasn't done in a while

photobombed by Violet

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Haircut 2

Violet got a 'bang trim' too while we were at Great Clips. At first I regretted my decision to get her bangs (especially this Dutch boy look she got) but it's kinda growing on me, and I wanted to try something different than Harlow's that was always in her face. I think it might be even cuter once the rest grows out some.

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Saturday, February 7, 2015


Harlow never wants us to do anything with her hair, I'm lucky if I can quick get a ponytail or pigtails in let alone try to get her to sit still for a French braid or some other Pinterest inspired hairstyle. Plus it is STICK straight. She didn't get a single one of her mamas curls! So, I decided to get her a cute bob. I got a little nervous at great clips as she kept going shorter and shorter to get it even, but I think it turned out cute.

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