Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blue Bed

Harlow has been out of her crib since January, but has been sleeping on a mattress on the floor since. We FINALLY got her a bed after a craigstlist run a couple months ago, some spray paint, and convincing her daddy she will sleep just as well in a bed. It's an understatement to say that she loves it. Every day I get home from work she says "show mommy blue bed". Yes Harlow...I've seen it, I'm thinking, but of course I ooh and ahh over it once again. She is still a great napper and sleeper. We would prefer she stay in her bed past 6:30 am, but I think it's a trade off for 7:30 ish bedtime and a two hour nap each day. Girl likes to go "night night"! She even set up a pillow and blanket outside on the deck the other day.


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